start bit - перевод на Английский
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start bit - перевод на Английский

Asynchronous communications system; Start-stop transmission; Stop bit; Asynchronous serial; Start bit; Asynchronous start-stop; Start-stop signalling; Asynchronous serial protocol
  • order of data bits]], the presence or absence of a parity bit, the form of parity (even or odd) and the transmission speed must be pre-agreed by the communicating parties. The "stop bit" is actually a "stop period"; the stop period of the transmitter may be arbitrarily long. It cannot be shorter than a specified amount, usually 1 to 2 bit times. The receiver requires a shorter stop period than the transmitter. At the end of each character, the receiver stops briefly to wait for the next start bit. It is this difference which keeps the transmitter and receiver synchronized.

start bit         

общая лексика

стартовый бит

бит (сигнал), указывающий на начало передачи символа по последовательному каналу

Смотрите также

asynchronous transmission; serial line; stop bit

stop bit         

общая лексика

стоповый бит

бит (сигнал), указывающий на конец передачи символа по последовательному каналу. В зависимости от режима передачи могут использоваться 1, 1,5 или 2 стоповых бита

start button         
  • Anniversary Update]].
  • The Start menu in [[Windows 10]]
  • The Start menu in [[Windows 11]]
  • The Start screen in [[Windows 8.1]], with the Power and Search button also visible.
  • The Start screen in [[Windows 8]]
  • The [[Windows 95]] Start menu
  • The Start menu in [[Windows XP]]
Start Button; Start button; Start Menu; Windows Start button; Windows Vista Start button; Start screen (Windows); Start-Button; StartMenuExperienceHost.exe; Windows Start menu; Microsoft Windows Start menu

общая лексика

кнопка пуска

строительное дело

пусковая кнопка


Действие по знач. глаг.: пускать (3-7).


Asynchronous serial communication

Asynchronous serial communication is a form of serial communication in which the communicating endpoints' interfaces are not continuously synchronized by a common clock signal. Instead of a common synchronization signal, the data stream contains synchronization information in form of start and stop signals, before and after each unit of transmission, respectively. The start signal prepares the receiver for arrival of data and the stop signal resets its state to enable triggering of a new sequence.

A common kind of start-stop transmission is ASCII over RS-232, for example for use in teletypewriter operation.

Как переводится start bit на Русский язык